Proposed Naming of Island - Twin Peaks

Letter from the Ontario Geographic Names Board Secretariat Office to the Municipality of Killarney

The office of the Ontario Geographic Names Board Secretariat at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is writing to inform you that we have received an application to officially name an island in your municipality.


The proposed name is ‘Twin Peaks’.  

The island is located just south of Point Grondine 3 Reserve and 2 kilometres west of Collins Inlet on Mill Lake in the Municipality of Killarney, District of Sudbury. Below please find a map of the location of the feature:

The Geographic Names program, with the Ontario MNRF, supports the Ontario Geographic Names Board (Board). For more information about the geographic names process, please visit our website: Geographic names |
We are providing you with notice that a public questionnaire about this proposal is currently on our website, along with proposals for other geographic features elsewhere in the province. The questionnaires will be promoted next week through social media on MNRF’s channels, and we will directly connect with local Indigenous communities.  
The Board recognizes that the citizens of the Municipality of Killarney may have an interest in the names of local geographic features. Therefore, we encourage you to inform your community members and groups (who may have knowledge of this feature) of the current public online questionnaire survey. Our goal is to reach local residents in the area of the feature who know the area well to determine if there is a different local name in widespread use and if there is support for the proposed name. Any assistance you are able to provide with this outreach is greatly appreciated, as we are not permitted to obtain landowner names and addresses to engage with them directly. Also please share with relevant departments within your organization and let us know if your organization has any questions, concerns or comments regarding the proposed name.

Link to questionnaire:

Geographic Names Questionnaire | EngageOntario

Relevant surveys can be selected from the dropdown menu found on this webpage.

The deadline to submit questionnaires is July 22, 2024.
Results of the public engagement will be presented to the Ontario Geographic Names Board for deliberation. Proposals they recommend will be sent to the Minister for final approval, in accordance with the Ontario Geographic Names Board Act.  Once we receive that approval, we will notify all applicants and respondents about whether the applications are successful or not.
For more information please see our website (Geographic names | and/or contact us if you have any questions or need clarification at
Thank you,

Dated: June 11, 2024